Louise Mckenzie

I joined the Club in 1997 and promptly became Club Secretary for the next 9 years.  In that role I made the most of the opportunities available to attend and compete in as many Club events as possible over a wide range of Registers:

Social – Springtime and Autumn Rallies, Early Morning Runs, Ladies Register events, Interclub Challenges, tours, breakfasts, lunches, dinners.

Speed – Driver training; driving at Sandown, Calder, Phillip Island, and Winton

Skill – motorkhana, autocross, khanacross and other such events.

Administration – Sandown VHRR Historics and Vic State Racing Championships; National Meeting Secretary, organising competition and social events.

National Meetings in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia

The stable of MGs which Ian McKenzie and I had to play with included an MGTF, MGB, MGA and MGBV8.  And just for my amusement, I have a Citroen 2CV Dolly, which I have rallied, and love to drive socially.

My working life has focussed on the role of Executive PA for a number of very high-profile organisations in Australia and the UK.  This has provided me with the ability and opportunity to work with and relate to people in a variety of situations. 

The delight of driving an MG, sharing knowledge and experiences, generosity of spirit and heartfelt volunteering by members is what sets MGCC Victoria apart.  It is a Club of great heart, and by being involved with the Foundation I hope I can demonstrate and shine a light on that heart.  I hope that members will support the Club in a variety of ways that suits them and experience the joys and benefits of ongoing Club membership.