Commercial Pilot, Air Transport Pilot’s Licence, Instrument Rating, Instructor Rating.
Aviation 10 years – Flying Instructor, High Altitude Photographic/Mapping Survey, Corporate Pilot.
ESSO Australia 29 years – Bass Strait Oil & Gas Production Platform operator.
1980-1988 Owner/operator of a Light Aircraft Private Hire business and Fuel Agency.
Foundation Member of the Junior Light Car Club of Australia at 18 years of age and later Club President for 2 years. LCCA Sandown official 17 years.
After moving to Sale in 1974, became involved with the Maffra & District Car Club. I served on the Committee for many years and was President for 3 years 1995-1997. During that time we increased participation at the Boisdale Hillclimb from 45 entries per event to 90-100 entries. We added electricity to the track facilities, first with a generator and then with mains power. In the early 1990s, I commissioned and installed a computerised timing system for the Hillclimb. I liaised with CAMS to allow two cars on the track at a time – this was a first in Australia for Hillclimbing and enabled a 70% increase in the number of runs per day and a big increase in spectators as the track action was continuous.
On returning to Melbourne in 2000, I became involved with the CAMS Victorian Hillclimb Advisory Panel and served as Secretary for 9 years until the end of 2010. At CAMS I was involved with the formation of the CAMS Junior Development Program, an initiative to bring juniors into club motorsport. Several clubs took up the program with great success.
I competed in the Victorian Hillclimb Championship for 10 years until the end of 2011.
With my wife Jenny, I joined MGCC in 2005 and purchased an MGB in 2006. In February 2011 we purchased an MG RV8 and sold the B, then in 2019 the RV8 was replaced by an MG TF 160 which we have to the present day. We attend club functions for most registers and in particular support the MGB, Touring and Ladies Registers. I volunteer as an official at Rob Roy and Sandown and prior to 2012, was Entry Secretary for the VHRR’s Historic Sandown for 3 years. In 2009 I was Entry Secretary for the MG National Meeting in Geelong and again for the Yarra Valley National Meeting in 2015.
I was from 2006 until 2021 on the MGB Register Committee and its Treasurer 2009-2021.
In 2008, Jenny & I started “Movie Nights” at the Clubrooms. We ran four per year until 2018.
In 2010 I was awarded an MGCC Vic Merit Badge and in 2017 a Black Spinner #101.
I see the MG Car Club Foundation as a necessity for the future growth of MGCC Vic. The Foundation can provide capital in the future for projects that would have had no prospect of coming to fruition. With the MG Car Club Foundation’s assistance, MGCC Vic will be able to grow and facilitate better social and sporting facilities. I wish to participate in the success of MGCC Vic and being a member of the MG Car Club Foundation is one way I can contribute.