Rod Wilson
Following studies in theatre production, Rod spent his working life in the performing arts sector. From stage set construction to directing productions, Rod worked in every role in production companies, venues and festival operations.
When retirement arrived Rod was urged by a friend to join MG Car Club Victoria then, after gaining some basic MG knowledge, purchase an MG. This turned out to be great advice.
A 1972 MGB Mk2 came along followed by a 2005 MG ZT.
Rod quickly discovered the diversity of the Club’s membership which provided many friends, acquaintances and laughs as well as numerous opportunities to be involved in a variety of tasks and to participate in many social activities. He even got to swing a golf club for the first time.
Rod volunteers at Rob Roy, other Club events and at the two annual MGCC-run Sandown events. He served as Secretary of the 2015 National Meeting Organising Committee and for two years was Editor of Wheel Spin which won the National Magazine Competition Trophy for both years. He is currently the MGCC Officials’ Register Captain
Rod has received the John Thornley Award, two Merit Badges, the Clubman Trophy and the Hugh Gidney Club Official of the Year Award.
A further opportunity to contribute to the Club arrived when he was invited to join the Trustees of the MGCC Foundation. Rod looks forward to helping the Foundation ensure a bright future for MG Car Club Victoria.
Rod Wilson
August 2023